Tuesday 12 August 2014

5 Must Follow Twitter Tactics to Increase Your Engagement!

With the influence of social media marketing, there are many changes that you have to consider. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Stumbleupon, Bubble etc. are few social media platforms that have the capacity to attract the customers. But to get effective results, you need to follow the latest trends and dig out some unique techniques to keep your profile engaging.

Recent surveys have proved that Twitter can be useful if you know the right tactics to use it. Here are the 5 tactics that you must follow while using your Twitter account:

Tweet on Weekends:
When you use Twitter to engage with the customers, it is important for you to know what is the right time to tweet. According to the twitter analysis tool, it is said that most of the twitter users are active on weekends. If you manage to tweet the news at the right time, you can engage with the audience effectively.

Ask for Retweets:
Most of the people feel shy to ask for retweets, but if you do so, your tweets might get retweeted. This will definitely help you to connect with more number of people. But don't mess up every time by asking them to retweet repeatedly, it would create a wrong impression. So, it is better to highlight the aspects that are important for the audience.

Use '#' and Insert Links:
Make your tweet go viral on Twitter by using more hashtags(#). Whenever you include hashtag for a word, it will be added into the a category. Now, if anyone searches the word with hashtag, there are chances that your tweet might be in the top of the search results on Twitter. Additionally, it is important to insert relevant links in the tweet so that you redirect the customer directly to your website.

Tweet Under 115 Characters:
Although the limit set to post a tweet is 140, the major brands do not use more than 115 characters. This will give your audience a chance to retweet the information by adding some more characters. If there is no space to write a extra note in your tweet, the user might neglect it. So post a short information, so that it can be retweeted easily.

Insert Images:
Last but not the least, is to include relevant and attractive images to keep the audience engaged. This is the best chance to convert the customers without forcing them. Images leave an impression and make the people understand the overall concept of the tweet. It is also important to schedule your tweet when there are more than 30% of people active on Twitter.

The above mentioned are the 5 aspects you must follow to engage with more people. Also read latest trends of search engine ranking

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