Friday 26 September 2014

Beware! Google Panda 4.1 Has Been Rolled Out and the Results Are Seen!

Google Panda 4.1 has been finally rolled out  to hit the websites with thin and poor content. It is interesting to see how Google will hit hard. Some of the experts have reported that the results are already changing in the search engines. But how long will this roll affect the websites?

Last update was in the month of May and we have already seen the disastrous results. Now that 4.1 is rolling out and many of the websites have recovered from the last update, this one is going to be even bigger!

Is this a chance for websites with quality content?

Most of the experts will say yes. Even you might feel the same as the Panda is released merely to target the bad quality content. But the Panda 4.1 update has clearly indicated the insight of the amount of words that you put in a post.

The thinner contents will be targeted and their rankings will surely go down for a while. Quality content is still the king. If you have right quality and length in your website's content, this update will not roll you out from the search engine. “Panda 4.1 will be showing its effect on 3-5% of search engine results,” says Google. And you never know. Only 1% might be more than enough to wash you out of the Earlier Google.

Earlier Google mentioned in a post that, “Based on user (and webmaster!) feedback, we’ve been able to discover a few more signals to help Panda identify low-quality content more precisely. This results in a greater diversity of high-quality small- and medium-sized sites ranking higher, which is nice.”

Recover from Panda:

Well, if at all you are affected by this update of Panda, it is better you hire a professional firm providing you with the penalty recovery services. Lets Nurture, a digital marketing firm in India and United Kingdom, has recovered many such websites. So if you are looking forward to hire search engine optimization services, it is a best place to be!

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