Wednesday 3 June 2015

Is Google’s Supremacy In Danger?

EU has accused Google of cheating consumers and competitors by manipulating the web search results to favor its own shopping services, if proved it will jeopardize the credibility of Google. It could also get slammed with severe fines from EU regulators. For the time being Google has rejected the charges against it.Vestager, a liberal former economy minister, says that the case might be settled with Google committing to change its business nuance, giving much gravity to the ‘principles’ underlying searches. She wants the market to flourish without anti-competitive constraints by any company, much needed for a fair business for all.

EU has also started an investigation against Google’s Android mobile operating system, a key element in Google’s strategy to earn revenue from online advertising as people switch to mobile apps. Interesting to mention that it gets a little revenue from Android operating system as users spend most of the time on apps rather than Google.
Google being one of the world’s most biggest companies with its dominance over search engine, the debate about the prediction that whether or not Google has saturated, has heated up. It has been compared with the companies like IBM -1980and Microsoft-2000, both of who were unbeatable but over the time lost their dominance and relevance.

The source of the debate goes back to the post “Peak Google”, a last year’s blog by technology analyst and consultant Ben Thompson, who argued that Google is losing its hold in the market.

Google’s shares have struggled after hitting an all-time high in 2014 and it has little to show for ventures in other areas: self-driving cars, Google Glass, Internet balloons, health care, Google TV mobile payments, home automation and its Google+ social network, among others. If we talk about online advertising then Facebook has a different approach for ads, e.g showing ads ‘ in ‘the stream’ and that’s where Google is losing its ground.

Mobiles are crucial for Google and its time it pay attention to it, ever if it really wants to keep its place safe as a tech giant, as it’s difficult for it to access user’s data and come out with strategy to deliver target relevant messages.

Some of these new firms such as Quixey, Swiftype, Wildcard and Vurb aim to help people search through the app world where Google lacks a presence with investors splashing more than $100 million into venture-backed mobile search start-ups over the past three years.

Over and above coming back to the point, any effort by EU to control Google’s business strategy can hamper its dominance, much similar to MicroSoft . Google has been here for a very long time and it needs to repair the holes in its business methodologies soon by come up with the alluring business models and reinvent itself to emerge a winner over the time.

Friday 17 April 2015

Google Is Rolling Out Algorithm For Better Mobile Search Results!

It’s challenging enough in order to perform web search on a smart phones without worrying about search results coming at best, unnecessary as well as with worst. Although, usually they're both equally. Google officially announced an update for better presentation of URLs in mobile search results. Exclusively, it's upgrading the particular algorithms which exhibit URLs in search results to much better reflect real Web pages.


The revolutionary structure unveils the actual real-world label of the website rather than the domain name, and the URL structure of websites in a breadcrumbs-style format means Well-structured URLs. A nippy idea about the page topic while seeing the mobile search results. Google is updating the mobile search algorithm that presents URLs in search results to better speculate the label of websites. 

Moreover, Google is introducing service regarding structured data websites in order to indicate to the algorithms how to exchange websites names regarding domains, and also the URL structure as breadcrumbs.

Most of these alterations tend to be coming out and about gradually and impact only mobile search results. While website name change has an effect on the United States only for the time being, the particular breadcrumbs file format is are going to be accessible rapidly around the world.

Thursday 16 April 2015

7 Social Media Websites Where All Small Business Owners Should Have Their Presence!

Small business owners all over the world are blessed with various social media platforms to present their services/products. Over the times, I have seen many such platforms encouraging small businesses to promote their services. The amount of traffic driven through these websites is in huge numbers and helps the business owners to make plenty from it. Here are the top 7 social media websites where the small business owners should have their presence:


When it comes to having an online presence, I prefer Facebook as a first option. It is estimated that a user spends approximately 20 mints after logging in for a single time. It might not be wrong to say that millions of people are online to view what's trending online. And this is the chance where small business owners can show their presence to the users to let them know what the services that the firms provide are. Here are few major benefits of Facebook:

  • Target relevant audience
  • Easy to communicate
  • More impressions for every post
  • Run advertisement campaigns for your business page


Launched in 2010, it now has more than 10 million active users. A new way of sharing your thoughts through different boards has made Pinterest unique. It was one of the fastest growing websites in 2012-2013. Small business owners must have their presence on Pinterest to give their valuable insights and display their services in a unique way. Here are few things that a business owner must love about Pinterest:

  • Posting a infographic attracts more customers
  • Pin the images directly from your website content
  • Follow more to create strong presence
  • Just pin it what you love to engage with more people


I know that right after the Facebook most of the users prefer Twitter. But the fact that infographics now engage customers effectively, Pinterest is on number two in the list. Twitter has its own place when it comes to creating a brand name in the present market. Small business owners must opt for Twitter account to have a strong reputation of their brand online. Here are some advantages of Twitter:

  • Say whatever you want in 140 characters
  • Following the giants in the industry can help you a lot
  • Get updates of the latest happening all around the world
  • All mega events are promoted through hashtags '#' on Twitter

Google Plus (G+):

Google Plus is considered to be the best platform to get strong social signals. The more strong profile of yours on G+ is the more chances you get to expand your business. I saw many business owners just depending upon Facebook and Twitter to connect with audience. But G+ is much more effective than those in a professional way. Here's what you can expect from G+ as a small business owner:

  • An author profile to display your businesses
  • Regular updates about the latest news
  • Add more people to enlarge your group
  • Drives huge amount of social signals when someone clicks '+1'


The professional networking website LinkedIn is the best source to improve your business profile. You can connect with several people in the same field and expand your connections to share your insights about your business. This gives a great chance to you, as a small business owner, to let the people know you and hire your services. Few benefits of LinkedIn: 

  • Stay updated with latest stories via LinedkIn Pulse
  • Share your posts on LinkedIn Pulse
  • Post job requirements for your business
  • Hire experienced professionals is much easier through LinkedIn



Yelp might not come in the actual list of social media websites but it is popular enough to drive customers to you. Create your business profile and let the readers all around the world know about your services and the ratings given by the visitors. This is a perfect platform to showcase your services and let the world know the quality you deliver. Here's what you can expect from Yelp:

  • Create a strong business profile to increase your sales/services
  • Customers stating their positive reviews
  • Location of your business on Yelp can guide visitors easily at your workplace


Quora is a question and answer based platform where users post their different questions and you get a chance to answer them. Or vice-versa. As a small business owner, this platform gives you a great chance to answer the questions related to your business and show your experience. Meanwhile you can post your queries to get help from the people all around the globe. Here are few advantages of Quora:

  • Expertize yourself by answering at least 4-5 questions a day related to your business
  • More chances of getting unique visitors to your website
  • Creating a strong Quora profile can make a difference
These are top 7 social media websites that can help small business owners to maintain a strong presence and expand their business. If you have anything else to add in this post, your comments will be valuable for me.

Friday 13 February 2015

Best Practices: Combine AdWords with Google Analytics for Better Insights, Bidding and Results

Like sunshine and the beach, or dogs and tennis balls, Google AdWords and Google Analytics are great by themselves but even better together. You'll get high-performance insights into your ads and your website when you link your AdWords and Analytics accounts. Google Analytics does a vital job in this pairing: it shows you what happened after users clicked on your AdWords ads.

Read more about the blog published by here

Monday 15 December 2014

Instagram User Count Reaches 300 Million Surpassing the Number of Twitter Accounts!

In the previous blog we saw that Facebook videos are being used more than YouTube and today we are going to see Instagram competing with Twitter in terms of number of users. Instagram now has more than 300 million users per month, whereas Twitter has 270+ million users. Instagram was a network started by two owners with a dream of making it global they are now one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world
instagram logo, instagram, instagram app logo
Source : Instagram

This is for the first time:
Well, it has never happened before that a website has more number of users than Twitter. Instagram now has 300 million users utilizing the website every month. With the introduction of new feature 'People' tab in order to make it easy for other users to discover the accounts and they might follow it.

Instagram for brands and celebrities:
Instagram is going to give verified accounts for celebrities and brands. The verification will be in form of 'badges' which will be soon out at your fingertips. Is this is new social media marketing strategy from Instagram gain more popularity? Or just expanding the network? Well, there is no answer for this question at present.

Spam accounts will be deleted:
The Instagram messages that are considered as spam will be deleted forever. The social network giant also announced that it will sweep away all the fake accounts. The results can be seen with the fall in number of followers in your account.

Overall, it would be interesting to see the Twitter's reaction in future. Will it be implementing any new strategy to increase the number of users? Well, you never know! However, in past, the company had made an attempt to add a new feature by adding Hashtag for Amazon Wishlist that gave users a chance to add products to your wishlist directly from your Twitter account. But I think that it was not enough to beat the present 300 million number of Instagram users.