Thursday 16 April 2015

7 Social Media Websites Where All Small Business Owners Should Have Their Presence!

Small business owners all over the world are blessed with various social media platforms to present their services/products. Over the times, I have seen many such platforms encouraging small businesses to promote their services. The amount of traffic driven through these websites is in huge numbers and helps the business owners to make plenty from it. Here are the top 7 social media websites where the small business owners should have their presence:


When it comes to having an online presence, I prefer Facebook as a first option. It is estimated that a user spends approximately 20 mints after logging in for a single time. It might not be wrong to say that millions of people are online to view what's trending online. And this is the chance where small business owners can show their presence to the users to let them know what the services that the firms provide are. Here are few major benefits of Facebook:

  • Target relevant audience
  • Easy to communicate
  • More impressions for every post
  • Run advertisement campaigns for your business page


Launched in 2010, it now has more than 10 million active users. A new way of sharing your thoughts through different boards has made Pinterest unique. It was one of the fastest growing websites in 2012-2013. Small business owners must have their presence on Pinterest to give their valuable insights and display their services in a unique way. Here are few things that a business owner must love about Pinterest:

  • Posting a infographic attracts more customers
  • Pin the images directly from your website content
  • Follow more to create strong presence
  • Just pin it what you love to engage with more people


I know that right after the Facebook most of the users prefer Twitter. But the fact that infographics now engage customers effectively, Pinterest is on number two in the list. Twitter has its own place when it comes to creating a brand name in the present market. Small business owners must opt for Twitter account to have a strong reputation of their brand online. Here are some advantages of Twitter:

  • Say whatever you want in 140 characters
  • Following the giants in the industry can help you a lot
  • Get updates of the latest happening all around the world
  • All mega events are promoted through hashtags '#' on Twitter

Google Plus (G+):

Google Plus is considered to be the best platform to get strong social signals. The more strong profile of yours on G+ is the more chances you get to expand your business. I saw many business owners just depending upon Facebook and Twitter to connect with audience. But G+ is much more effective than those in a professional way. Here's what you can expect from G+ as a small business owner:

  • An author profile to display your businesses
  • Regular updates about the latest news
  • Add more people to enlarge your group
  • Drives huge amount of social signals when someone clicks '+1'


The professional networking website LinkedIn is the best source to improve your business profile. You can connect with several people in the same field and expand your connections to share your insights about your business. This gives a great chance to you, as a small business owner, to let the people know you and hire your services. Few benefits of LinkedIn: 

  • Stay updated with latest stories via LinedkIn Pulse
  • Share your posts on LinkedIn Pulse
  • Post job requirements for your business
  • Hire experienced professionals is much easier through LinkedIn



Yelp might not come in the actual list of social media websites but it is popular enough to drive customers to you. Create your business profile and let the readers all around the world know about your services and the ratings given by the visitors. This is a perfect platform to showcase your services and let the world know the quality you deliver. Here's what you can expect from Yelp:

  • Create a strong business profile to increase your sales/services
  • Customers stating their positive reviews
  • Location of your business on Yelp can guide visitors easily at your workplace


Quora is a question and answer based platform where users post their different questions and you get a chance to answer them. Or vice-versa. As a small business owner, this platform gives you a great chance to answer the questions related to your business and show your experience. Meanwhile you can post your queries to get help from the people all around the globe. Here are few advantages of Quora:

  • Expertize yourself by answering at least 4-5 questions a day related to your business
  • More chances of getting unique visitors to your website
  • Creating a strong Quora profile can make a difference
These are top 7 social media websites that can help small business owners to maintain a strong presence and expand their business. If you have anything else to add in this post, your comments will be valuable for me.

1 comment:

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