Thursday 16 October 2014

Facebook Up, YouTube Down In Terms of Video Uploading and Sharing!

A report from the Social Bakers shows that the YouTube videos are rarely seen on Facebook these days. This is surely a plus point to Facebook, but is this an end for the giant YouTube who has been ruling the video market over a decade? On this note, the CEO and co-founder of Social Bakers, Jan Rezab said that, “YouTube can lose a big percent of their distribution on Facebook.” He further added that, “Users will now stick to Facebook for videos instead of redirecting to other video platforms.”

The analysis was all about...
To know more about the video sharing and the percentage of distribution, Social Bakers have analyzed over 180,000 Facebook video posts across 20,000 pages, and they found that the content creators are uploading the videos on Facebook more often rather than YouTube. This is creating more pressure on YouTube to maintain the distribution in video sharing. Now this is called a perfect social media marketing strategy implemented by Facebook to pull its giant down with huge numbers since January, 2014.

Facebook then and now!
There has been a drastic change since January 2014 in the numbers of Facebook video sharing. At the start of the year, it was around 6000 posts and now it has reached above 11,000 which is almost double. None of the other video platforms have changed this rapidly till date. Facebook has jumped to 50% from May to July for uploading and sharing the videos. In fact, YouTube had the upper hand at the start of the year. But now, both the giants have almost similar numbers as you can see in the above image.

Facebook – A better place to engage!
After this report, it is quite obvious that most of the people are looking forward to use Facebook for better engagement. Besides email marketing, this is the most powerful platform to engage with more people with your videos. The content creators have made their intentions clear by posting huge number of posts on Facebook rather than YouTube.

Overall, we can say that YouTube is losing its way as a key contributor for video uploading and sharing. If you are looking forward to engage with more people for your business and that too through with videos, Lets Nurture is a reliable platform to connect. It's an IT firm with a talented team of SEO members delivering 100% results for any kind of domain. Get in touch with us today!

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