Thursday 18 September 2014

Check Out The Ranking Factors of 2014 Released by SearchMetrics!

Do you think that with this latest release of search engine ranking factors the content ranking factor will go down? Do you feel that social media will boost the ranking graph? Know all the ranking factors of 2014 released by SearchMetrics recently.

The reports have proved that content is still the king above all the ranking factors. Well, many people were expecting to see a boost in the social media ranking factors but it didn't happen. This report will be good lesson for all the search engine optimization companies to implement their strategies in a better way. Have a look at the ranking factors given below:

Image Source: Searchmetrics

Relevant terms and proofs in the content are must to include to increase the ranking factor according to this report. Internal linking with relevant keywords is must and the length of the content must be as long as possible. The position of keyword in title, description, video integration, H1 and H2 tag are few factors that you should keep in mind while posting a content. This will increase your ranking factor for sure.

On page SEO:
On page SEO has been an important factor since the evolution of ranking factors. The importance of keywords insertion into title, number of internal links, HTML length, keywords in external links, text character length, meta description, content, H1, H2, H3 tags etc. must be done with care because over stuffing can result in bad SEO results.

Now this is the most important factor where all the link builders do commit mistakes due to over optimization. Quantity doesn't matter any more, it's the quality that matters. Instead of using keywords in building the links, you should also try something different by inserting the brand name in the links.

Social signals:
Well, the social signals seems to be the same but it has an impact on the ranking factors because of more visitors engaging the websites through social media platforms. Google plus as usual, stands on the top list as a ranking factor followed by Facebook shares and likes, Pinterest and Tweets. Therefore, social media marketing will play an important role in promoting the websites for better results.

Branding signals:
Most of the people these days believe in brand marketing instead of targeting specific keywords. Well, for those who do so will be beneficial according to this latest ranking factors released by SearchMetrics. The reason is the brand marketing is now gaining popularity in this competitive market.

All the digital marketing experts out there must keenly observe these ranking factors of 2014 to enhance their website rankings on the search engines. 

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