Wednesday 27 August 2014

Facts That Help You to Know About Mobile Optimized Websites for Local Markets!

Recent search engine results have proved that mobile optimized sites are more accurate than the normal ones. The ranking factor for the mobile optimized means a lot for the local market business owner to sell their products. Email marketing campaign services play a major role in promoting the mobile-friendly website quickly. This will surely get you the desired results and conversion rate.

Here are the few more aspects other than email marketing that can boost your mobile optimized website to rank on the top of the search engines:

70% are connected to local business:
More than 70% of the social media users are at least connected to one local business in North America. Well, the percentage of users might increase or decrease for other places all over the world. But isn't that unbelievable that more than 60% of people all over the world rely on local business people to make their needs fulfilled?

50% of local searches are on mobile:
Another fact that will amaze you is, 50% of the local searches are from mobile in 2014 which was 35% in 2013. From this it is clear that, if you are a targeting the local customers in the market, you must optimize your website for mobiles. The searches will definitely influence the overall enhancement of your business. And who knows, you business might compete the international firms one day.

Revenue of mobile ads:
It is estimated that the mobile ads revenue might increase to $18 Billion by 2016. In 2013, this was just $800 million. So keep an eye on the local mobile ads that can give you more profits including rapid increase of visitors on your website. This revenue will definitely increase and will change the overall scenario for the local business owners in the upcoming days.

Loading time of the website:
Loading time of the website should not be more than 2 to 4 seconds for reliable internet connections. And that is not the case with your case you need to rectify and solve the issue. This is possible when you hire reliable cloud hosting services for your website. If the services are up to the mark, it will surely increase your visitor rate due to responsive element on your website.

The above-mentioned are few facts that you must know to boost your local business through mobile-friendly website. Get your website optimized today!

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